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Corporate finance

Centras Securities supports developing companies providing corporate finance that presupposes offering to clients individual programs on structuring any borrowing in the local and foreign markets, including syndicated loans, issue and placement of corporate bonds and shares, organization of bill of exchanges programs and trade finance.

The main goal of corporate finance in Centras Securities is finding financial solutions using  different financial tools and services.

Specialists of Centras Securities worked out a new approach to the arrangement of corporate finance that offers to clients various borrowing programs. They include trade finance (export/import operations) depending on clients’ needs and optimization of a loan base according to special costs and terms.

Centras Securities’ qualified specialists have long-term and stable relations with leading international financial institutions, they are experienced in financing arrangements and structuring schemes, offer a special approach to problem solution and can determine an optimal financing strategy.

Centras Securities’ consulting on financing presents a number of advantages to clients. They may attract additional funds under market conditions both in Tenge and foreign currencies. They can minimize time and transaction costs and achieve an agreement with several creditors/investors by transferring these functions to the arranger of such a transaction.

Centras Securities offers financing services including search of investors and agreeing on necessary documents with a borrower and creditors/investors, and also providing necessary information to all participants of such a transaction.  As the arranger of financing Centras Securities is ready to offer to its clients services  at preliminary, current and final stages of a project, including valuation of financial and economic position of a potential borrower, its correspondence with the requirements of creditors/investors, preliminary negotiations with them, determination of indicative optimal parameters of a transaction and discussions with creditors/investors, preparation of a memorandum and preparation of credit and accompanying documents.

Issue of corporate bonds

Presently an issue of corporate bonds is the most effective and profitable instrument of financing in the stock market of Kazakhstan. The growth of the securities market and successful issues of leading corporations that appeared on the market in 2003-2004 confirm that there exists a high demand for corporate debentures in the local market.

The main advantages of debt financing by means of a bond issue are a quick fulfillment, competitive pricing, standard and simple documents and creation of a positive public opinion about a company. Centras Securities offers a full range of services related to issue and placement of securities in accordance with high professional quality standards. Centras Securities supplements and increases the effectiveness of its consulting on bond placements by a strong analytical base and a possibility to provide a secondary market for these bonds.

The experience and professional reputation of Centras Securities guarantee a service of high quality and a favorable attitude of the investor base of the local bond market to any issue arranged by our company.

Centras Securities has a wide range of counterparties and partners among local, Russian and foreign financial institutions as it operates with the total range of debt instruments: local corporate bonds, Eurobonds, government securities, bills of exchange of entities and banks.

The company’s services on the issue and placement of bonds cover all aspects of such transaction. Our experts offer a full package of services related to this including:

  • Development of an optimal loan structure;
  • Legal consulting – preparation of all necessary documents; 
  • Preparation of an Issue Prospectus and assistance in an issue registration at KASE; 
  • Preparation of an Investment Memorandum and an issue presentation; 
  • Marketing programs including press conferences and meetings with investors; 
  • Bond issue placement, guarantees to the issuer to place the whole issue; 
  • Organization of a secondary market; 
  • Supplying investors with analytical materials on an issue; 
  • Regular analysis of the secondary market for the issuer.

Bills of Exchange Programs

Centras Securities offers services in the arrangement of bills of exchange programs for various corporate clients. Bill programs give the opportunity in a short period of time (compared to other forms of financing) to attract funds, optimize expenses for bonds issue and also to increase working capital of a company.    

Bill programs are useful for financing a company both on short-term and long-term basis and it helps to achieve better results of financial management.

Bills of exchange give the following new opportunities:

  • Increase of a working capital without using cash resources when settling with counteragents;
  • Financing both on a short-term and long-term basis (bills of exchange can be issued for the period of 3-6 months and up to 5 years).
  • Financing without an interest rate;
  • Financing without a collateral;
  • Deferred payment according to bills term;
  • Simplicity of issuing and circulation of bills. The issuing procedure is simpler than a procedure of bond issuance;
  • Absence of a currency risk;
  • Receiving income by means of a repurchase of bills in the secondary market;
  • The use of bills in external trade settlements;
  • Improvement of the structure of accounts payable and accounts receivable.

Besides, bills settlements with suppliers let them have the following opportunities:

  • Secured receipt of money in the amount of nominal value of the bill on its maturity date;
  • Settling with creditors;
  • Sale of bills in the secondary market.

About the Company
Consulting services
Corporate finance
Project Finance
Trade operations
Asset management



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117105, Moscow, Nagatinskaya str., 1, bld. 1, 6-th floor, office 609
Phone: +7 (495) 981 19 28; Fax: +7 (495) 937 97 33
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